Sound redirector muzzle brake
Sound redirector muzzle brake

I have shot the 5.56 without the sleeve and since it's a muzzle brake, I even feel blowback from the gas so I opt not to shoot as such. I've not shot the 300blk or the 308 without the sleeve as they are recessed into the rail and I don't wish to F up my rails. There's really no flash hiding with that. 308 but they shoot just fine anyhow because I leave the sleeve on it which sends the gas out front just as my Noveske KX3 did but was 3x the priceĪddendum: if you leave the concussion sleeve on it, there's going to be a fireball. The Epsilon 556 Muzzle Brake by VG6 Precision is the whole package, offering outstanding performance as a muzzle brake, flash hider, and compensator for your. Looking back I should've done flash hider on 5.56 and 3 port brake on the.

sound redirector muzzle brake

308 was because not to repeat any of the muzzle devices I already had and I don't like the multi port directional brake. I had a KAK slim can on it first, but then switched to that and there was a noticable difference in recoil especially since it's a pistol and can't be shouldered. The 300blk with the zero recoil brake is nice. I don't notice much difference since it's on a 5.56 I bought the 3 port brake because at the time I liked it better then the other options they had which was the flash hider and the multi port brake. The zero recoil brake on my 300blk pistol No one like getting blasted in the face, not to mention the fact that muzzle brakes are inherently loud. Trust me, it is a nuisance shooting next to someone with a muzzle brake. Attaching one of these sleeves makes it more friendly when shooting in close proximity to others at the range. The Kineti-Tech concussion redirecting sleeve redirects the blast wave to the front and not out to the sides like a typical muzzle brake does. Directional brakes are typically more complex than radial brakes. The concussion is a wave that comes from the blast that is generated at the muzzle. Non-Mount Blackout Flash Hider are some other good options. The Smith Vortex and Advanced Armament Corp. In your case, you want a good flash hider. These are more friendly than a straight muzzle brake. There are other options, namely flash hiders, compensators, or combo devices that serve as a muzzle brake/compensator/flash hider. You have to first ask yourself why you would be choosing to use a muzzle brake in the first place. The sleeve does nothing to control the sound level generated.

sound redirector muzzle brake

Even with one of these muzzle brake/concussion sleeve combos, it will still be loud.

sound redirector muzzle brake

The Kineti-Tech concussion redirecting sleeve redirects the blast wave to the front and not out to the sides like a typical muzzle brake does. The concussion is a sound wave that comes from the blast that is generated at the muzzle. These are concussion redirecting sleeves.

Sound redirector muzzle brake